Sport Injuries
Sports injuries can occur at either amateur or professional level when increased demand is placed on a certain area of the body - generally when that area of the body isn't operating effectively in the first place.
Symptoms of Sport Injuries
Generally sports injuries cause pain and reduced flexibility, and you may be prone to further injuries in the future meaning that you can’t perform to your optimum sporting ability.
Causes of Sport Injuries
Sport injuries can be brought on by overusing certain muscles or joints, accidents, poor training practices, not warming up and cooling down effectively, pushing yourself too hard and inadequate equipment (e.g. inappropriate or ill-fitting footwear) – among other things.
Common sporting injuries that Osteopaths treat include:
- Achilles Tendon Injuries / Plantar Fasciitis
- Back Pain
- Biceps Tendonitis
- Foot Injuries
- Shoulder Injuries / Frozen Shoulder
- Soft Tissue Injury
- Hip Pain
- Hamstring Injury / Calf strains
- Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
- Sciatica/Slipped discs
- Sprained Ankle
- Tennis Elbow / Golfer’s Elbow
- Wrist Injuries
- Swollen Knees
- Fluid on the Knee
- Knee Pain / Knee Injuries
- Joint pain
- Ankle injuries
How can Osteopathy help?
Here at the Active Healthcare Clinic in Sheffield, we regularly treat sports injuries that have occurred during football, rugby, cycling, tennis, running and more.
In fact, our Osteopath Simeon Hempsall has a keen interest in sports injuries having been a professional cyclist competing in the Olympics and Commonwealth Games.
We aim to help you get back to doing the sporting activities that you enjoy by using hands on techniques such as different types of soft tissue massage and joint articulation to release tension, stretch muscles, help relieve pain and mobilise your joints.
We may also show you exercises to do at home where appropriate (e.g. knee strengthening exercises) to assist in your recovery and exercises that you can do in the future to prevent the sports injury reoccurring.
To make an appointment
Book online or speak to reception
0114 267 1901